Parking Landscape To Be Altered With The Onset Of Autonomous Vehicles
With a load of exciting projects up ahead with the deployment of autonomous cars, a central piece of prominence has emerged as to how would autonomous vehicle (AV) technology will disrupt the current city landscape? The word around is that, these exciting new vehicles won’t have to park and will dramatically cut the demand for parking in city centers.
In conversations with city officials about autonomous vehicles, there is tremendous excitement surrounding the potential for the technology to reclaim parking real estate for new uses among other impacts. This sets up a dynamic where demand for parking will likely continue to increase in the next 5-10 years, as consumers purchase vehicles with limited levels of automation that still require a human driver and traditional parking, but where investments in new parking resources are likely to wane.
This ultimately means for consumers that, come 2030, hunting for a parking space may very well be a thing of the past, but that over the next decade the pain-point of finding a space may actually get worse. With this the whole parking experience itself is set to undergo a transformation. Supported by the latest technology; INRIX Parking is a software that helps guide drivers to open spots by using big data and predictive analytics.