Latest Update On Apple's Self Driving Project – "Titan"
A few days back, a video surfaced on Twitter that has created a buzz in the market. The video appeared to be, one of Apple’s “Project Titan” self-driving cars and was captured by MacCallister Higgins, co-founder of self-driving startup Voyage. The car seems to have gone some major modifications since it was witnessed the last time. Although one can definitely argue that, the latest modifications are not necessarily feasible to the eye.
The car appears to be outfitted with standard third-party sensors and hardware, including six Velodyne made LiDAR sensors, several radar units, and a number of cameras — all encased in Apple-esque white plastic. The car seems to be heavily loaded on the top, with Higgins jokingly referred to the vehicle as “The Thing.” Quite contrasting from the Tech Giants who are known and regarded the best for their simple and aesthetic approach towards technology.
Going to need more than 140 characters to go over 🍎's Project Titan. I call it "The Thing" pic.twitter.com/sLDJd7iYSa
— MacCallister Higgins (@macjshiggins) October 17, 2017