Driverless Cars May Not Come Cheap, But Ride Fares Just Might
With the rise of the up roaring automotive industry and its big fleet of autonomous vehicles there seems to be niche market that’s carving up in the ranks. With reports predicting a fierce multiplayer competition that keeps ride fares low for mobility fleet services, which will profit only if they can keep costs down for nitty-gritty expenses like tire changes.
This vision to keep ride fares low is part of the process that includes the fading out of individual car ownership in favor of on-demand rides provided by big companies and their fleets of tens of thousands of vehicles—or hundreds of thousands.
Sear Behr, Stratim’s CEO pitches his company as a one-stop hub where fleet operators can find repair shops and other vendors, schedule services, and pay for them. The company doesn’t cover the consumer side of the on-demand ride and car sharing business. There’s no monthly fee to use the Stratim software; customers are charged based on the number of transactions they arrange through the system.
The company is operating in 20 markets, including San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Toronto, San Diego, Milwaukee, and Austin. Stratim is now handling more than 150,000 transactions per quarter. It is also collecting data that can help fleets assess their expenditures in various categories, and maybe alert them when they might need to do some penny-pinching.