US To Curb China's Support To Develop Driverless Cars
President Donald Trump has sworn by driverless technology, and he believes it can help revitalize America’s aging transport infrastructure. Coined as a business man himself, he thinks it would be a great investment for the American Economy. Seeking China’s help on this would be an added advantage with the progress that Baidu, a Chinese Automaker has made in this field.
But the Pentagon who has opposed previous Sino-US collaborations, think that China wouldn’t be the best of personnel to take this project forward. One of the major reasons pulling the strings is the concern against National Security.
Norman Anderson, a US-based infrastructure strategist with CG/LA Infrastructure Inc in Washington, DC, notes that political opposition to Chinese investment in US technology projects may preclude participation by Baidu and other Chinese firms.
Anderson, whose consulting firm advises global infrastructure projects, warns of the dangers in giving access to what’s likely to be an increasingly sensor-driven US transport infrastructure to Chinese interests. His concern is that dependence on Chinese technology will enable China to exploit vulnerabilities in the US transport system.