To Manage Business Funds, ICO Startup Turns To Blockchain To Find Solutions

As the world of cryptocurrency evolves and becomes a normalized alternative to physical currency, a growing number of progressive companies are utilizing ICOs as viable means of raising capital. These unconventional funding and payment sources allow founders to raise rounds from investors who are intrigued by their product and vision, rather than following traditional methods. Beyond changing the way companies raise funds, Blockchain technology is actively enhancing the quality of data, while further advancing the way information is identified, collected and managed.

Founded in 2017, ICO startup aXpire is a cloud-based, AI-enabled blockchain payment processing company. The SaaS startup currently offers members of their partner network two distinct products. Their flagship product is Resolvr, a spend management software solution that tightens up the vendor invoicing process, while the company is also continuing to develop their peer-to-peer job marketplace known as MatchBX.

Data management is only going to become more important moving forward, and Blockchain technology will help feed the demand for real time access to information.

– Gary Markham, Co-Founder & CEO, aXpire
The New York based company launched these latest tech innovations for the purpose of helping fund administrators at banks, hedge funds and private equity firms handle complex process of appropriating and allocating outside vendor costs specific to each fund, or separating funds respective to each deal. Employing a growing team of more than 100 staff members, the startup has raised $20 million to date.
To Manage Business Funds, ICO Startup Turns To Blockchain To Find Solutions


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