Will autonomous vehicles provide the next screens for publishers and advertisers?

The possibilities are endless and even as you’re reading this – a new development in the autonomous sector would have surfaced. Talk about 10 years from now, sky is the limit! But then again if and when the technology comes into play, it’s difficult to envision anything more frightening than a massive tractor-trailer truck zooming down the highway with no one at the wheel.
With such high potential, there is a huge potential for other businesses to revolve around this concept of Autonomous Future and Driverless Cars. From a marketing perspective, the good news is that all those self-driving vehicles — including trucks — will essentially become moving boxes of unlimited potential. And that means a new universe of publishing and advertising opportunities.
utonomous vehicles for publishers and advertisers
Get ready for your car to become yet another ‘screen’ where publishers and advertisers compete for your attention,” says a new report from Forrester.
Don’t be surprised,” the report warns, “when you start to see big brands sponsoring your rides: ‘This trip is brought to you by the champagne of beers — Miller High Life.’”
Just like how public transport and taxis carry signs and adverts on them now, we could witness a perhaps 10x version of this in the near future.
Of course, an alcoholic beverage paying for the trip to pick up your five-year-old from kindergarten may seem unfathomable. But not according to Report’s co-author and Forrester VP/Group Director Carl Doty. In a recent interview he stated that ads are only the beginning of marketing opportunities in the upcoming world of driverless vehicles. His vision completely focuses upon the vast reservoir of options that are waiting to be unearthed or harvested.
Right now its all speculations and other theories that are all revolving around this concept, but that is what it is currently in this Phase 1 of Autonomous Future. Phase 1[2017-2020] includes the following components:

  • Predictive Analysis
  • Warehouse Automation
  • Freight Vehicle/Convoying/Platooning
  • Connected Vehicle Privacy and Security Protection
  • Autonomous Inland Freight Vessels, Harbor Convoys

A family trip via. an autonomous car to Florida’s Disney World could begin with Disney-provided entertainment displayed on screens in the car’s interior that turns it into a “pirate ship.” Automakers may evolve into publishers of this kind of car-based news and entertainment, given that they will have direct customer relationships with the owners of what are essentially mobile media theaters.
The possibilities for marketing, advertising and entertainment represent only a portion of this report, which is mostly focused on the trans-formative impacts that autonomous vehicles will have on other parts of society, including shipping, logistics, insurance, government and data security/privacy.

Autonomous advertising

Image Source. Credit: businessinsider . com

It is expected that autonomous vehicles will become common in the trucking industry within 10 years, with widespread adoption among consumers within 20 to 30 years. Singapore (where there are already autonomous car trials), Hong Kong and other congested cities will probably go first. This could also lead to many cases of unemployment, where truck drivers are no longer wanted. On the other side self-driving vehicles could reduce or eliminate traffic.

At any rate, the opportunities presented by humans sitting in vehicles with nothing to do except talk or read are not happening tomorrow.


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