Autonomous Driving Projects Picks Up Pace
The past couple of months have been very influential and significant in the autonomous world. Lots of partnerships, technological advancements, breakthroughs and much more. As a community we are edging closer to a time where words like autonomous, connected, and electric are fast becoming prefixes to the word “car.” Here are some major resounding developments over the course of the last month;
– Baidu. Inc made some notable investment activities across the autonomous domain, alongside the release of Apollo 1.5. The new feature has five additional core capabilities, including obstacle perception, planning, cloud simulation, High-Definition (HD) maps and End-to-End deep learning. Baidu has also committed to $1.5 billion under the Apollo Fund to invest in 100 autonomous driving projects in the next three years.
– A partnership announcement between Intel Corporation and Waymo. Intel is working actively to become the “chip inside the car” for the automated-driving experience.
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