The Inevitable Switch To Driverless Cars
Time and again we have learnt and read as how Driverless cars can reduce the number of preventable accidents and other mishappenings across the globe. The fact that it being such a highly regarded topic, gives it all the more attention globally. Over 33,000 people are said to be dying every year as a result of automobile and truck accidents. This carnage has encouraged the development of driverless cars and it won’t be long before that technology is a reality.
Most people learn rules of the road from driver’s education or from the experience behind the wheel over a long period of time. After a while it is only natural for drivers to become complacent and not have the heightened awareness of safety that should exist every time we get behind the wheel. Computers are programmed to follow road laws. They don’t drive while tired, drunk or under the influence – all of which can be extremely dangerous.