Top 7 Bitcoin Mining Software Apps
We have listed the top 7 Bitcoin Mining Software apps to mine bitcoin and have also explained the features of the mining software.
1. CGMiner
CGMiner is the world’s pioneer and one of the most commonly used bitcoin mining software; it is based on Linux. CGMiner is best for advanced computer users and is coded entirely in the C programming language, which means it is compatible with almost all operating systems (OS). It was originally designed to improve the mining capabilities of graphics cards and GPUs (Graphics Processing Unit).
CGMiner which is written in C is a cross-platform Bitcoin miner that supports Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and many other platforms. Compatible with both Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) and Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) hardware.
CGMiner software features like fan speed control, remote interface capabilities, self-detection of new blocks with a mini database, multi GPU support, CPU mining support and more.
The scalable networking scheduler of CGMiner can estimate the hash rate of any size without network delays. CGMiner prevents old work submission on new blocks and assists multiple pools with intelligent failover mechanisms.
Even though we had mentioned CGMiner is compatible with most operating systems, it is rather complicated to install on Windows 10 machines. Several antivirus software will try to block the download, and Windows Defender will also give users a tough time.
CGMiner assists a wide variety of ASIC mining hardware like Hexfury, BlackArrow, Cointerra and Minion. To download click on CGMiner Download.
2. BFGMiner
If you are looking for a customizable Bitcoin mining software, then there is no other better option than BFGMiner. It is best to use for ASIC specific mining and is similar to CGMiner, but it has been developed for using application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs). This makes it perfect software for mining Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies that are not ASIC resistant.
BFGMiner is also competent of hashing on SHA256 and Scrypt based platforms. The BFGMiner is written in C language; it is a modular FPGA or ASIC miner that has dynamic clocking, monitoring and remote interface skills.
The BFGMiner is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. The software also supports excellent customization of mining hardware. This includes overclocking, using a remote interface, and controlling fan speeds when required.
Some of the unique features of BFGMiner are mining with free mesa/LLVM OpenCL, ADL device reordering by PCI bus ID, integrated overclocking and fan control.
BFGMiner comes with a watchdog thread that can restart idle threads but does not crash the machine if they fail to respond. It exhibits summarized and discrete data statistics of requests, accepts, declines, hw errors, and efficiency and utility.
It is still not suitable for those who have limited or no experience using command prompts. BFGMiner has many device drivers for Bitcoin like Drillbit Thumb, Eight, Ztex’s FPGA boards, Twinfury USB stick miner and more. To download click on BFGMiner Download.
3. MultiMiner
MultiMiner is a bitcoin mining software which is the best suited for beginners. Its software is a graphical user interface (GUI) based piece of mining software that has been developed to assist Windows 10 bitcoin mining software. The mining software can be used with Linux or Mac OS, but the MultiMiner requires additional software.
MultiMiner is for miners with multiple ASIC hardware and needs only one interface to handle. It is an upgrade for the BFGMiner and you will find it very smooth and easy to use.
MultiMiner lets users switch mining devices like ASICs or FPGAs between various cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin without any effort. The mining software utilizes the underlying mining engine to identify available mining hardware and lets the user choose the coins the would like to mine.
MultiMiner has various advanced features such as automatic detection of network devices, ability to remotely monitor and control other MultiMiner rigs.
MultiMiner is also capable of connecting to various pools at once. It has the option to have the device automatically mine the most valuable coin at any given time and it also targets the pools which offer the lowest complexity.
MultiMiner which is an open-source project is compatible with various mining devices which include Block Erupter, HashBuster Micro and BFL/Bitforce. To download click on MultiMiner Download.
4. EasyMiner
EasyMiner is best suited for miners who want to mine Litecoin and Bitcoin at the same time. It is an open-source mining software with a graphical interface which lets users mine Bitcoin, Litecoin and other digital currencies. It serves as a frontend for both the CGMiner and CPUMiner.
EasyMiner automatically enters a ‘MoneyMaker’ mode the first time it’s loaded which instantly produces a Litecoin wallet and starts mining using your machine’s CPU on a private pool. This is to demonstrate the user-friendliness of software.
The users can change the mining pool they want to use, alter network settings and also view their crypto wallets all with just one click.
It supports minerd, ccminer, cudaminer, cgminer and ASIC mining for Bitcoin. EasyMiner comes with a dedicated “Moneymaker” mode, which is dedicated to mining of LTC on its own stratum pool.
EasyMiner can run both CPUMiner and CGMiner at the same time, which means the users’ CPU or GPU will focus on Litecoin, and the users who have ASIC can focus on mining Bitcoin.
It uses the Network Hardware ID Layer (NHIL) protocol to render an extra layer of security for the pool stratum and wallet architecture. To download click on EasyMiner Download.
5. BitMinter
BitMinter mining software is best suited for quick setup. The software uses a specific mining pool that it has its own mining pool to work.
Its mining pool is one of the oldest pool in existence. It has support for all major operating systems (OS) like Windows, Linux, Mac OS. Since it is created for use with its own mining pool, the process of setting the software is very fast.
The software is entirely free, but the BitMinter pool charge 1% as a commission for mining cryptocurrency with them. It is one of the lower mining pool fees when compared to other mining software which charges around 4%.
BitMinter’s some of the ASICs and its mining pool includes Block Erupter USB (and other Icarus-compatible hardware), Butterfly Labs (except Monarch), Chili, Red/Blue Fury and Antminer U1/U2. To download click on BitMinter Download.
6. Miner-Server
Miner-Server is best suited for cloud mining. When you get started with Miner-Server to mine, you join a mining pool that has other users and the payouts are split between all the participants. The service offers various packages, with a base price starting from just $0.14.
Based on the package, you can get hashing power ranging from 250GH/s to 600,000GH/s. All the packages are valid up to one year, and you can check your earnings and other details anytime by logging into your account.
The users can get bonus hashpower if you refer Miner-Server to other users and if they sign up through your reference, The service does not charge any extra maintenance fees so that users can get the full share of profits.
7. Awesome Miner
Awesome Miner is best suited for Centralized Mining Management, but if you want to handle multiple mining rigs, and different types like ASICs, FPGAs, you need something a bit more robust like Awesome Miner.
It has powerful centralized mining management features which support more than 25 mining engines such as cgminer, xmrig, bfgminer, sgminer and srbminer. It’s also compatible with all current mining algorithms, such as SHA-256, Ethereum Scrypt, X11, and Zcash.
You can also add, manage, switch pools for multiple miners in a single operation. Awesome Miner’s complete dashboard lets you monitor the status and temperature of all FPGA and ASIC devices from a single location. It also has a built-in C# script engine, which can be used to build customized triggers and actions.
Awesome Miner mainly works on Windows, but also offers a web front-end that can be entered from any computer, smartphone or tablet. To download click on Awesome Miner Download.
In this article, we have explained the best bitcoin mining software at present. However, the best piece of mining software will depend on configurations like hardware and the operating system.