Start a Blockchain powered News sharing platform
Ever wanted to start a Flipboard or ‘News in shorts’ like news sharing platform but didn’t know how to go about it or was too expensive to implement it earlier? It’s now possible with the power of blockchain.
Did you know? Building a news sharing platform over a blockchain has a lot of benefits where the contributors get paid for quality content by the community directly. As an administrator of the site, you get a small percentage of each payment the author receives, plus the platform can run advertisements and guest posts to increase the revenue.
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[item title=”Why should you start a Blockchain powered news sharing platform?“]
- A blockchain based news sharing platform is scalable because of the decentralized databases spread out across the world.
- Verified news sources on the blockchain offer its users the power of control. This proves to be a feasible solution.
- News summary is a great format for the millennials.
- Unbiased and uncensored that isn’t controlled by some media houses who act as gatekeepers help people keep themselves informed with real news from real news sources.
[item title=”How does a Blockchain powered News Sharing platform make money?“]
The decentralized and AI optimized news platform fights against media publishers who imposes great control over what we read.
- Snippets and Rewards The platform that connects readers and writers directly. It invites writers to submit Snippets (excerpt of the news articles), and it also encourages Readers to tip good write-ups and this way it rewards the Writers with SnipCoins, the preferred virtual currency. SnipCoins can also help Readers by letting them remove ads from their news pages.
- Recommendations the platform makes use of an Algorithm to understand what their readers like; the recommendations engine then displays the articles they may like to boost binge reading. Also, the summaries of News are condensed and crisp. The Summary Style writing that Snip imposes on its Writers is a way to bring in more news in fewer words.
- Censorship and Control Snip gives its Readers the control of what they want to read rather than controlling what they read. Since Readers are directly connected to Writers, it helps remove the chance of getting a bias inherent and censored content.
- Advertisers Snip is also an Advertisers chance, a place to display their Ads for cryptocurrencies that the platform supports. It is a Works-For-All implementation which serves a way to every user willing to monetize their content on the network. Advertisers don’t just spend but they are also paid for every user click or visit.[/item]
[item title=”What are the features of a News-Sharing Platform?“]
- Verifiability and Decentralization Blockchain is decentralizing the news and hence can be verified by the nodes in the network for its correctness and fullness. News published on a distributed network like the blockchain must have gained the consensus from a majority of users.
- Short Format The content format for the platform is a short summary which makes it easier to read at a glance. This format caters to most of the Entrepreneurs, urban office goers etc who don’t have time to catch up on the latest verified news. If they wish to read the whole article, then they can click on the read more to read rest of the article.
- Preferences The platform helps users to get verified news and based on their reading patterns the recommendations are generated to promote binge reading. They can still choose to delete their data in case they don’t want recommendations.
- Article voting For each platform the success of it depends on the community. It decides the quality of the news and the write-ups. To increase great quality content on the platform, an article voting mechanism ensures this.[/item][/accordion]
Frequently Asked Questions
[item title=”What is a Blockchain?“]The blockchain is a network of nodes (devices with an internet connection). It is a distributed and decentralized ledger technology which was re-introduced to support transactions of a digital asset called Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Now blockchain is used by many industries to implement their online businesses on a trust network like blockchain which keeps track of every single transaction and thus will eliminate redundancy, or duplication.[/item]
[item title=”Who are Gatekeepers?“]It refers to an individual or a board of members who decide whether a given message or news will be distributed by a mass medium.[/item][/accordion]