Be it the way you travel, work or live, self driving (cars) technology are on the brink of changing the landscape of this world. According to Intel's ...
Everybody wants a share of the pie, and Fiat Chrysler isn't holding back either. With the self driving tech being such a massive revolution, all major ...
David Hall a tech entrepreneur from San Francisco, is as responsible as anyone for ushering in the self-driving-car revolution. Hall, 66, is the CEO ...
The biometric identification market for automotive, by value, is projected to grow at a CAGR of 25.61% from 2017 to 2022, to reach USD 21.72 Billion by 2022. ...
Keeping in mind the Japanese Olympics 2020, Panasonic wants to place as many Self Driving Wheelchairs as possible at every major airport. As a part of this ...
The quest to make autonomous cars a reality is on, and how it will turn out is pretty fathomable. The future is limitless and this means, we could see a whole ...
Oryx Vision, based out of Israel is developing object sensors for self-driving cars. On Tuesday, it announced that it had raised $50 million in a second ...
Well, we all know about the buzz revolving around self driving cars and it may not be too far away, before we witness a couple of them on the road. A recent ...
We are pretty certain that in about 10 odd years, autonomous driving is more or less going to be a reality! As developers the key goal here is to, create a ...
Well Apple decided to finally let the cat out of the bag with its latest announcement that, its not just building autonomous driving systems for cars but also ...