
Audi Ready To Take On Tesla With Its 'Smart Energy Network'

Tesla may have fallen back in terms of innovation but its existing products are still in much demand, with several automakers trying to copy and launch similar programs. One such is the ‘Tesla Energy’ – An in-house division launched by Tesla to address the energy storage and generation side of the electric vehicle revolution.
Audi now seems to have drawn inspiration, to launch its own network known as the ‘Smart Energy Network’. The program is currently being tested in a pilot project in households located in the Ingolstadt area and the Zurich region.

We are looking at electric mobility in the context of an overall energy supply system that is increasingly based on renewables. We are playing a pioneering role with the prequalification of the balancing-power market – enabling producers to feed power into the grid, as part of the pilot project.

– Dr. Hagen Seifert, Head of Sustainable Product Concepts at Audi
They are combining electric vehicle charging, energy storage, and solar power to provide balancing services to the grid with benefits for both the homeowner/electric car owner and the electric utility. The Audi Smart Energy Network is still only in the development phase and there’s no word on a timeline for a commercial launch.
Audi Aims To Compete With Tesla Energy Through A New ‘Smart Energy Network’

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