A $7 Trillion Industry Expected To Rise With The Onset Of Self-Driving Cars
The Bureau Of Labor Statistics claims that a vast majority of Americans operate vehicles to earn their livelihood. In fact it is the largest profession in the United States, that employs more than 1.7 million individuals. Once self-driving cars become the norm- a very substantial amount of Americans will be effected and may result in a country wide job loss across any industry that is in need of a vehicle to operate.
A report from Intel has surfaced, in which the company has predicted at least $7 trillion will invested into the Passenger Economy by 2050. The report reads: “Autonomous driving technology will enable a new “Passenger Economy” worth US $7 trillion – more than the projected 2017 GDPs of Japan and Brazil combined.”
Unfortunately, as society makes it’s leaps and bounds in the technology industry some professions will be left behind, truck drivers, taxi drivers and even Uber drivers will need to start considering a career change, instead of fighting against the coming times accept, adapt and change for the better before it’s too late.